Team Stats

Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
84.03703703703704 1 North Iowa Area Community College 27 861-1885 45.7 239-687 34.8 308-552 55.8 84.0
83.07692307692308 2 Kirkwood Community College 26 791-1778 44.5 243-720 33.8 335-496 67.5 83.1
75.14285714285714 3 Des Moines Area Community College 28 777-2093 37.1 249-791 31.5 302-436 69.3 75.1
73.74074074074075 4 Ellsworth Community College 27 744-1773 42.0 153-569 26.9 350-523 66.9 73.7
72.88461538461539 5 Northeast Community College 26 724-1730 41.8 167-523 31.9 280-402 69.7 72.9
62.67857142857143 6 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 664-1777 37.4 109-440 24.8 318-489 65.0 62.7
60.142857142857146 7 Iowa Western Community College 28 627-1761 35.6 219-743 29.5 211-383 55.1 60.1
54.88461538461539 8 Iowa Central Community College 26 507-1378 36.8 129-451 28.6 240-340 70.6 54.9
51.84615384615385 9 Southwestern Community College 26 483-1596 30.3 103-421 24.5 279-443 63.0 51.8
51.82142857142857 10 Marshalltown CC 28 554-1601 34.6 147-610 24.1 196-396 49.5 51.8
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
16.285714285714285 1 Des Moines Area Community College 28 16.3 29.5 45.8 10.0
15.222222222222221 2 Ellsworth Community College 27 15.2 29.1 44.4 12.2
13.37037037037037 3 North Iowa Area Community College 27 13.4 32.2 45.6 6.4
13.346153846153847 4 Kirkwood Community College 26 13.3 27.5 40.8 11.6
11.25 5 Iowa Western Community College 28 11.3 24.0 35.3 -0.1
10.678571428571429 6 Marshalltown CC 28 10.7 25.4 36.1 3.2
10.038461538461538 7 Iowa Central Community College 26 10.0 27.2 37.2 -0.2
9.857142857142858 8 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 9.9 25.0 34.9 -2.2
9.846153846153847 9 Northeast Community College 26 9.8 27.0 36.9 -2.2
9.115384615384615 10 Southwestern Community College 26 9.1 25.3 34.5 -11.8
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
13.423076923076923 1 Kirkwood Community College 26 13.4 6.8 1.7 18.5
14.692307692307692 2 Northeast Community College 26 14.7 8.4 2.6 16.1
14.928571428571429 3 Des Moines Area Community College 28 14.9 7.8 3.2 15.8
16.0 4 North Iowa Area Community College 27 16.0 7.4 2.8 20.9
17.964285714285715 5 Iowa Western Community College 28 18.0 9.9 2.6 13.3
18.107142857142858 6 Marshalltown CC 28 18.1 8.3 2.0 10.5
19.14814814814815 7 Ellsworth Community College 27 19.1 8.7 2.3 16.9
19.714285714285715 8 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 19.7 11.0 3.2 14.4
20.384615384615383 9 Southwestern Community College 26 20.4 12.5 3.0 9.2
24.807692307692307 10 Iowa Central Community College 26 24.8 14.0 2.5 9.0
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.0650887573964498 1 Kirkwood Community College 26 14.5 1.065 0.502
1.0165770609318996 2 North Iowa Area Community College 27 14.2 1.017 0.304
0.9301565054893717 3 Ellsworth Community College 27 18.4 0.930 0.202
0.9256489221293445 4 Des Moines Area Community College 28 15.8 0.926 0.182
0.9212445308701993 5 Northeast Community College 26 14.8 0.921 0.181
0.7867320719458071 6 Iowa Western Community College 28 17.1 0.787 -0.047
0.763873775843308 7 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 17.2 0.764 -0.118
0.7386128364389234 8 Iowa Central Community College 26 14.9 0.739 -0.212
0.7229696063776782 9 Marshalltown CC 28 14.8 0.723 -0.298
0.638711205875385 10 Southwestern Community College 26 16.1 0.639 -0.272
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
43.15384615384615 1 Kirkwood Community College 26 388-1348 28.8 121-547 22.1 43.2
57.0 2 Des Moines Area Community College 28 565-1665 33.9 141-552 25.5 57.0
57.03703703703704 3 Ellsworth Community College 27 532-1575 33.8 126-536 23.5 57.0
58.18518518518518 4 North Iowa Area Community College 27 597-1679 35.6 171-626 27.3 58.2
59.07692307692308 5 Northeast Community College 26 548-1636 33.5 131-505 25.9 59.1
61.57142857142857 6 Marshalltown CC 28 542-1457 37.2 174-597 29.1 61.6
63.892857142857146 7 Iowa Western Community College 28 645-1648 39.1 172-619 27.8 63.9
68.32142857142857 8 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 682-1750 39.0 165-505 32.7 68.3
70.34615384615384 9 Iowa Central Community College 26 673-1706 39.4 196-658 29.8 70.3
75.84615384615384 10 Southwestern Community College 26 720-1931 37.3 215-737 29.2 75.8
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
21.96153846153846 1 Kirkwood Community College 26 7.2 22.0 29.2 11.6
22.185185185185187 2 Ellsworth Community College 27 10.0 22.2 32.2 12.2
22.535714285714285 3 Marshalltown CC 28 10.4 22.5 32.9 3.2
23.692307692307693 4 Iowa Central Community College 26 13.7 23.7 37.3 -0.2
25.785714285714285 5 Iowa Western Community College 28 9.6 25.8 35.4 -0.1
26.071428571428573 6 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 11.0 26.1 37.1 -2.2
26.714285714285715 7 Des Moines Area Community College 28 9.0 26.7 35.8 10.0
27.076923076923077 8 Northeast Community College 26 12.0 27.1 39.1 -2.2
28.22222222222222 9 North Iowa Area Community College 27 11.0 28.2 39.2 6.4
30.423076923076923 10 Southwestern Community College 26 15.8 30.4 46.3 -11.8
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
25.0 1 Kirkwood Community College 26 25.0 15.2 4.2 7.8
24.0 2 North Iowa Area Community College 27 24.0 15.0 3.4 12.7
20.074074074074073 3 Ellsworth Community College 27 20.1 11.1 3.9 11.1
19.692307692307693 4 Northeast Community College 26 19.7 11.3 3.1 9.8
18.357142857142858 5 Des Moines Area Community College 28 18.4 11.5 3.7 10.6
18.285714285714285 6 Iowa Western Community College 28 18.3 9.9 1.9 13.1
17.071428571428573 7 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 17.1 10.3 2.6 13.5
15.384615384615385 8 Southwestern Community College 26 15.4 7.5 2.6 18.6
14.307692307692308 9 Iowa Central Community College 26 14.3 7.5 2.3 15.7
12.75 10 Marshalltown CC 28 12.8 8.4 2.0 13.3
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
17.423076923076923 1 Kirkwood Community College 26 17.4 0.563 0.502
17.37037037037037 2 Ellsworth Community College 27 17.4 0.728 0.202
16.74074074074074 3 North Iowa Area Community College 27 16.7 0.712 0.304
16.107142857142858 4 Iowa Lakes Community College 28 16.1 0.882 -0.118
15.785714285714286 5 Des Moines Area Community College 28 15.8 0.744 0.182
15.73076923076923 6 Southwestern Community College 26 15.7 0.911 -0.272
14.5 7 Iowa Western Community College 28 14.5 0.834 -0.047
14.076923076923077 8 Northeast Community College 26 14.1 0.740 0.181
13.76923076923077 9 Iowa Central Community College 26 13.8 0.950 -0.212
11.892857142857142 10 Marshalltown CC 28 11.9 1.021 -0.298
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
75.625 1 North Iowa Area Community College 16 437-1020 42.8 141-399 35.3 195-354 55.1 75.6
85.5625 2 Kirkwood Community College 16 506-1121 45.1 160-454 35.2 197-290 67.9 85.6
72.4375 3 Des Moines Area Community College 16 421-1212 34.7 140-463 30.2 177-242 73.1 72.4
67.1875 4 Ellsworth Community College 16 376-943 39.9 98-340 28.8 225-321 70.1 67.2
69.9375 5 Northeast Community College 16 427-1066 40.1 103-343 30.0 162-234 69.2 69.9
56.25 6 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 335-964 34.8 58-237 24.5 172-259 66.4 56.3
57.0625 7 Iowa Western Community College 16 347-980 35.4 117-402 29.1 102-185 55.1 57.1
51.35294117647059 8 Iowa Central Community College 17 296-839 35.3 89-291 30.6 148-205 72.2 51.4
51.0 9 Southwestern Community College 16 292-1010 28.9 67-274 24.5 165-259 63.7 51.0
47.8235294117647 10 Marshalltown CC 17 298-949 31.4 82-375 21.9 135-255 52.9 47.8
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
16.0 1 Des Moines Area Community College 16 16.0 28.8 44.8 7.5
12.0 2 Ellsworth Community College 16 12.0 28.1 40.1 9.3
12.4375 3 North Iowa Area Community College 16 12.4 29.3 41.8 2.9
14.25 4 Kirkwood Community College 16 14.3 27.6 41.8 13.6
11.1875 5 Iowa Western Community College 16 11.2 23.3 34.4 0.1
10.235294117647058 6 Marshalltown CC 17 10.2 24.2 34.5 -3.4
8.470588235294118 7 Iowa Central Community College 17 8.5 26.2 34.7 -6.1
8.375 8 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 8.4 25.3 33.7 -3.7
9.625 9 Northeast Community College 16 9.6 25.5 35.1 -5.7
8.8125 10 Southwestern Community College 16 8.8 25.3 34.1 -13.9
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
13.4375 1 Kirkwood Community College 16 13.4 6.8 1.5 19.3
13.625 2 Northeast Community College 16 13.6 8.3 3.0 15.8
13.875 3 Des Moines Area Community College 16 13.9 7.2 3.8 16.1
17.4375 4 North Iowa Area Community College 16 17.4 8.3 3.0 17.8
18.125 5 Iowa Western Community College 16 18.1 10.3 2.8 13.1
19.0 6 Marshalltown CC 17 19.0 10.2 2.9 10.0
20.5 7 Ellsworth Community College 16 20.5 9.3 2.6 15.1
19.5625 8 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 19.6 11.3 4.0 13.8
19.3125 9 Southwestern Community College 16 19.3 12.7 3.3 9.9
25.0 10 Iowa Central Community College 17 25.0 15.1 2.9 8.6
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.0925778132482042 1 Kirkwood Community College 16 13.5 1.093 0.524
0.9475332811276429 2 North Iowa Area Community College 16 15.1 0.948 0.176
0.8672851956434046 3 Ellsworth Community College 16 18.1 0.867 0.084
0.8922247882986913 4 Des Moines Area Community College 16 15.1 0.892 0.218
0.8973536487570168 5 Northeast Community College 16 13.8 0.897 0.125
0.7714406421630756 6 Iowa Western Community College 16 15.6 0.771 -0.062
0.7072691552062869 7 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 15.4 0.707 -0.186
0.7141104294478527 8 Iowa Central Community College 17 14.1 0.714 -0.272
0.6634026927784578 9 Marshalltown CC 17 14.6 0.663 -0.309
0.6240917782026769 10 Southwestern Community College 16 16.7 0.624 -0.296
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
43.8125 1 Kirkwood Community College 16 237-821 28.9 83-337 24.6 43.8
53.25 2 Des Moines Area Community College 16 307-953 32.2 81-309 26.2 53.3
60.625 3 Ellsworth Community College 16 349-956 36.5 78-300 26.0 60.6
61.0625 4 North Iowa Area Community College 16 365-980 37.2 104-357 29.1 61.1
60.8125 5 Northeast Community College 16 366-1013 36.1 80-287 27.9 60.8
67.3529411764706 6 Marshalltown CC 17 404-1030 39.2 131-405 32.3 67.4
62.5 7 Iowa Western Community College 16 370-918 40.3 107-343 31.2 62.5
70.375 8 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 422-1041 40.5 110-308 35.7 70.4
75.3529411764706 9 Iowa Central Community College 17 481-1215 39.6 150-484 31.0 75.4
76.375 10 Southwestern Community College 16 434-1177 36.9 131-448 29.2 76.4
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
21.5625 1 Kirkwood Community College 16 6.7 21.6 28.3 13.6
21.0 2 Ellsworth Community College 16 9.8 21.0 30.8 9.3
26.11764705882353 3 Marshalltown CC 17 11.7 26.1 37.8 -3.4
25.0 4 Iowa Central Community College 17 15.8 25.0 40.8 -6.1
25.75 5 Iowa Western Community College 16 8.6 25.8 34.3 0.1
27.375 6 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 10.0 27.4 37.4 -3.7
28.4375 7 Des Moines Area Community College 16 8.8 28.4 37.3 7.5
28.5 8 Northeast Community College 16 12.3 28.5 40.8 -5.7
28.0 9 North Iowa Area Community College 16 10.9 28.0 38.9 2.9
31.75 10 Southwestern Community College 16 16.3 31.8 48.0 -13.9
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
25.375 1 Kirkwood Community College 16 25.4 15.8 4.1 8.6
21.6875 2 North Iowa Area Community College 16 21.7 13.4 3.0 14.0
17.9375 3 Ellsworth Community College 16 17.9 8.4 4.2 12.8
19.5 4 Northeast Community College 16 19.5 11.3 3.3 10.6
20.6875 5 Des Moines Area Community College 16 20.7 11.0 3.8 10.3
18.625 6 Iowa Western Community College 16 18.6 9.4 2.1 13.5
15.9375 7 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 15.9 9.0 2.6 15.9
15.0625 8 Southwestern Community College 16 15.1 7.9 2.3 17.8
12.705882352941176 9 Iowa Central Community College 17 12.7 5.9 2.5 17.9
13.470588235294118 10 Marshalltown CC 17 13.5 7.9 1.9 17.1
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
16.5625 1 Kirkwood Community College 16 16.6 0.569 0.524
18.0625 2 Ellsworth Community College 16 18.1 0.783 0.084
18.0625 2 North Iowa Area Community College 16 18.1 0.771 0.176
15.625 4 Iowa Lakes Community College 16 15.6 0.893 -0.186
15.3125 5 Des Moines Area Community College 16 15.3 0.674 0.218
15.9375 6 Southwestern Community College 16 15.9 0.921 -0.296
12.5 7 Iowa Western Community College 16 12.5 0.833 -0.062
12.8125 8 Northeast Community College 16 12.8 0.772 0.125
13.411764705882353 9 Iowa Central Community College 17 13.4 0.987 -0.272
13.823529411764707 10 Marshalltown CC 17 13.8 0.973 -0.309