Team Stats

Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
86.3030303030303 1 Indian Hills Community College 33 1020-2013 50.7 349-872 40.0 459-648 70.8 86.3
84.61290322580645 2 Northeast Community College 31 913-2100 43.5 357-972 36.7 438-584 75.0 84.6
77.96774193548387 3 Iowa Western Community College 31 904-1997 45.3 236-681 34.7 369-571 64.6 78.0
75.8 4 Southeastern Community College 30 853-1782 47.9 182-532 34.2 386-577 66.9 75.8
69.9375 5 Marshalltown CC 32 820-1973 41.6 223-667 33.4 377-542 69.6 69.9
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
11.32258064516129 1 Northeast Community College 31 11.3 26.4 37.7 1.6
10.5 2 Southeastern Community College 30 10.5 24.6 35.1 1.2
10.272727272727273 3 Indian Hills Community College 33 10.3 33.5 43.7 11.6
8.59375 4 Marshalltown CC 32 8.6 23.1 31.7 -3.4
8.580645161290322 5 Iowa Western Community College 31 8.6 24.3 32.9 -7.4
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
13.03225806451613 1 Iowa Western Community College 31 13.0 6.6 2.7 11.1
14.787878787878787 2 Indian Hills Community College 33 14.8 7.2 1.4 18.2
14.90625 3 Marshalltown CC 32 14.9 6.6 2.7 10.6
15.233333333333333 4 Southeastern Community College 30 15.2 9.7 3.4 12.7
16.225806451612904 5 Northeast Community College 31 16.2 8.5 2.4 15.4
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.1456154465004023 1 Indian Hills Community College 33 16.7 1.146 0.305
1.0310534591194969 2 Northeast Community College 31 15.6 1.031 -0.074
1.0277966101694915 3 Southeastern Community College 30 16.9 1.028 0.093
0.9985540177649246 4 Iowa Western Community College 31 17.2 0.999 -0.049
0.9149632052330335 5 Marshalltown CC 32 17.3 0.915 -0.218
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
64.06060606060606 1 Indian Hills Community College 33 751-2097 35.8 225-776 29.0 64.1
69.03333333333333 2 Southeastern Community College 30 732-1726 42.4 219-657 33.3 69.0
80.38709677419355 3 Iowa Western Community College 31 934-2013 46.4 189-589 32.1 80.4
82.0625 4 Marshalltown CC 32 900-1829 49.2 303-760 39.9 82.1
84.96774193548387 5 Northeast Community College 31 941-2020 46.6 221-626 35.3 85.0
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
22.454545454545453 1 Indian Hills Community College 33 9.6 22.5 32.1 11.6
23.8 2 Southeastern Community College 30 10.1 23.8 33.9 1.2
25.806451612903224 3 Northeast Community College 31 10.3 25.8 36.1 1.6
26.03125 4 Marshalltown CC 32 9.1 26.0 35.1 -3.4
28.451612903225808 5 Iowa Western Community College 31 11.8 28.5 40.3 -7.4
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
17.366666666666667 1 Southeastern Community College 30 17.4 11.8 2.3 12.3
14.59375 2 Marshalltown CC 32 14.6 7.9 1.1 13.9
13.935483870967742 3 Northeast Community College 31 13.9 8.4 3.2 12.9
13.838709677419354 4 Iowa Western Community College 31 13.8 7.4 2.4 13.1
13.727272727272727 5 Indian Hills Community College 33 13.7 6.3 4.8 9.9
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
18.393939393939394 1 Indian Hills Community College 33 18.4 0.841 0.305
16.0 2 Southeastern Community College 30 16.0 0.935 0.093
15.67741935483871 3 Northeast Community College 31 15.7 1.105 -0.074
14.612903225806452 4 Iowa Western Community College 31 14.6 1.048 -0.049
13.46875 5 Marshalltown CC 32 13.5 1.133 -0.218
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
87.0 1 Indian Hills Community College 8 254-481 52.8 82-204 40.2 106-132 80.3 87.0
70.125 2 Northeast Community College 8 188-456 41.2 87-228 38.2 96-127 75.6 70.1
74.5 3 Iowa Western Community College 8 230-506 45.5 63-177 35.6 73-127 57.5 74.5
79.375 4 Southeastern Community College 8 245-492 49.8 47-139 33.8 98-151 64.9 79.4
63.375 5 Marshalltown CC 8 189-465 40.6 46-134 34.3 83-120 69.2 63.4
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
8.0 1 Northeast Community College 8 8.0 24.5 32.5 -3.9
10.125 2 Southeastern Community College 8 10.1 24.6 34.8 3.3
8.5 3 Indian Hills Community College 8 8.5 31.3 39.8 10.5
9.0 4 Marshalltown CC 8 9.0 20.9 29.9 -1.6
6.875 5 Iowa Western Community College 8 6.9 23.6 30.5 -8.3
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
11.5 1 Iowa Western Community College 8 11.5 6.3 2.4 9.0
13.375 2 Indian Hills Community College 8 13.4 8.4 1.3 17.1
13.75 3 Marshalltown CC 8 13.8 8.1 3.1 9.4
14.125 4 Southeastern Community College 8 14.1 9.9 3.6 9.9
17.0 5 Northeast Community College 8 17.0 11.1 3.0 13.6
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.1877133105802047 1 Indian Hills Community College 8 14.8 1.188 0.339
0.94843617920541 2 Northeast Community College 8 12.6 0.948 -0.133
1.0592160133444537 3 Southeastern Community College 8 16.4 1.059 0.098
0.9826875515251443 4 Iowa Western Community College 8 17.4 0.983 -0.092
0.9005328596802842 5 Marshalltown CC 8 18.4 0.901 -0.215
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
62.0 1 Indian Hills Community College 8 183-494 37.0 58-175 33.1 62.0
70.375 2 Southeastern Community College 8 203-460 44.1 58-172 33.7 70.4
80.0 3 Iowa Western Community College 8 239-498 48.0 61-170 35.9 80.0
79.75 4 Marshalltown CC 8 216-415 52.0 90-211 42.7 79.8
82.25 5 Northeast Community College 8 265-533 49.7 58-154 37.7 82.3
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
20.25 1 Indian Hills Community College 8 9.0 20.3 29.3 10.5
22.875 2 Southeastern Community College 8 8.6 22.9 31.5 3.3
27.125 3 Northeast Community College 8 9.3 27.1 36.4 -3.9
25.5 4 Marshalltown CC 8 6.0 25.5 31.5 -1.6
29.125 5 Iowa Western Community College 8 9.6 29.1 38.8 -8.3
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
15.625 1 Southeastern Community College 8 15.6 12.1 2.6 11.1
15.0 2 Marshalltown CC 8 15.0 9.5 0.5 13.6
12.25 3 Northeast Community College 8 12.3 6.6 2.5 12.6
13.375 4 Iowa Western Community College 8 13.4 7.9 1.8 11.6
13.5 5 Indian Hills Community College 8 13.5 7.6 6.0 10.0
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
15.25 1 Indian Hills Community College 8 15.3 0.849 0.339
18.0 2 Southeastern Community College 8 18.0 0.961 0.098
15.75 3 Northeast Community College 8 15.8 1.081 -0.133
14.875 4 Iowa Western Community College 8 14.9 1.075 -0.092
15.625 5 Marshalltown CC 8 15.6 1.115 -0.215